Happy April Fool's Day!

Whilst neither AI nor the amazing FiiT4GROWTH A-Team can do the work for you to improve your wellbeing and performance, we can certainly help you on your journey!

Click below to take our High Performance Scorecard, and get a personalised report with some great tips and strategies on how to achieve greater levels of personal and professional performance.

Our High Performance Teams Scorecard will also give you greater awareness of how to support your team at work.

Get Your High Performance Score

See how you and your team score against the
High Performance Habits.

Receive a tailored report outlining specific actions for immediately improving your score. 

Take the High Performance Indicator Assessment for


You’ll be scored against the six high performance habits and receive a tailored report
outlining specific actions for improving your score.

Take the Individuals High Performance Scorecard

Take the High Performance Indicator Assessment for Teams.

Understand how your team can collectively improve against the six high performance habits and receive a tailored report
outlining specific actions for improving your score.

Take the High Performance Teams Scorecard
How We Deliver Training

FiiT4GROWTH offers customisable in-person or virtual coaching. Our range of coaching programmes cover 1 : 1 individual coaching, small groups and large teams. Whichever you choose, we are confident our scientifically proven coaching programmes will propel your organisation to new heights of sustained performance.

1:1 Coaching

Tailored leadership development for senior executives, leaders, and high potentials, working one-on-one on their goals and challenges. Our individual coaching sessions allow for greater contribution and  more space for pivoting strategies and tactics in order for the client to reach their goals.

This personalised approach to leadership development acts as a catalyst to enhance the performance of the individual and the teams or organisation that they lead. 

Group Coaching

Group coaching in groups of 4 - 6, provide opportunities for both individual and team development. Groups learn a common language supporting culture formation and  develop shared habits and behaviours. They improve communication, build empathy, trust and accountability. 

Neuroscience research confirms the benefit of Group coaching. One of the most effective ways to embed new habits is through social learning. We are social creatures and work better with collaborative, co-operative learning through peer interaction. Social environment makes a significant difference in achieving and maintaining goals.

Online Training

Our Online Training Courses liberate greatness for every individual in your organisation by teaching the mindset and productivity habits that drive results. The individual’s journey is reinforced with social learning via live Group coaching sessions. The Group sessions build shared habits and behaviours while boosting momentum and accountability. 

The Online Training Courses include 12 months access to the FiiT4GROWTH platform.

Let's Co-Create Your High Performance Programme

Book a Discovery Call
How We Deliver Training

Our high performance programmes are delivered to everyone in your organization through individual coaching, group coaching, and online training. Providing coaching opportunities to workers at all skill levels creates a high performance culture and helps shape the leaders of tomorrow.

1:1 Coaching

Tailored leadership development for senior executives, leaders, and high potentials, working one-on-one on their goals and challenges. This personalised approach to leadership development acts as a catalyst to enhance the performance of the individual and the teams or organisation that they lead. 

Group Coaching

Group coaching sessions for managers and teams in groups of 4-6, providing opportunities for both individual and team development, shared learning, enhanced communication, and understanding, support, and accountability. 

Online Training

Our Online Training Courses liberate greatness for every individual in your organisation by teaching the mindset and productivity habits that drive results. Learners receive live coaching group sessions to build momentum and accountability and have 12 months of access to platforms.

Let's Co-Create Your High Performance Programme

Book a Discovery Call