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Achieve Heightened and Sustained Levels of Performance in All Areas of Your Life

You were born for greatness. Your playing small does not serve the world. It's time to go to your next level of success and significance.

Apply now! It’s your time to succeed!

What's the #1 thing everyone in the world wants?

Can you answer that? What does everyone want so desperately?

I believe that the answer, quite simply, is:


They want more success at work.

They want more happiness.

They want more passion in their relationships.

They want more money. More energy. More productivity. More meaning.

Everyone wants more of the good things that life has to offer, right?

Well, to get more, people need to activate their full potential.

They need to hit a higher gear and become high performers at whatever they do. They have to become more focused, productive, influential, and successful. 

But it's not easy. And most people are struggling more than they have to in these areas.

Even though we all have big goals and dreams, most people today are drowning in stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.

The sad thing is that if they don’t figure out how to turn it around, they’ll not only fail to accomplish their dreams, but as the world continues to progress, they will stagnate.

So think about YOUR life.

Do you feel you’re being as productive, influential, and successful as you want to?

Are you struggling to stay focused, to get ahead, or to better influence your team or customers?

Have you reached a plateau in your progress and struggled to breakthrough to the next level of joy, power, and achievement?

Have you gotten tired of being at the same level of success and happiness for too long? Do you miss the pulse and vibrancy of growing and contributing at your highest levels?

I can help you.

My name is John Roussot, and I’m one of a select few elite Certified High Performance Coaches™ in the world. If you have just 20 minutes to fill out an application, then I’d like to teach you:

  • How the world’s most accomplished and influential people THINK

  • Why you’ve been so exhausted (and what to do about it immediately)

  • Why most people FAIL at managing their time and day

  • The #1 secret you MUST follow to have more INFLUENCE with people

  • How to define your purpose, get rid of distraction, and FINALLY gain momentum in life

I know you’re trying to succeed more and just keep everything together, so I want to teach you six simple principles you can use to better master your mind, body, and ability to be more productive and persuasive.

These strategies will completely change how you feel, manage your day, and influence others.

I want to give you the exact strategies and questions the world’s most accomplished and influential people use to manage their emotions, schedule their days, persuade others, and keep their passions and purpose clear and alive. Knowing these will transform your life. They did mine.

And, frankly, if you’re not following the six principles I’ll teach you, then it’s almost impossible to get ahead in today’s climate. I’m telling you all this because I’d like to help you right away.

If it’s your time for a dramatic change and rapid advancement in your personal and professional life, then I’d like to work one-on-one with you to break through your barriers and help you reach your highest potential and performance in all you do.

To begin, and to see if you qualify, click to apply and fill out the form for a free strategy session with me. You can book your session with me directly from the application.

Once I review your application and determine you’re a right fit, I will confirm the appointment for your free one-on-one consult with you. Yes, really - I’ll help you for free on this one.

I’m looking forward to working with you.

Let’s make this your breakthrough year!

Your coach,


John Roussot, BBSci, CHPC

Certified High Performance Coach™


Certified High Performance Coach™

Liberating Greatness for 21 years in corporate and entrepreneurial ventures, consulting to and coaching individuals and teams in 33 countries around the world.

The Power of Coaching

As your coach, I will challenge you and push you beyond your comfort zone, which is where the magic happens. 

We'll focus on outcomes, mindset, attitudes and actions required for you to move the needle forward to achieving your goals.

The Power of the Process

High Performance Coaching is one of the most extensive certification programs in existence.

I'll use the exact same process with you that the High Performance Institute uses with Olympians and Fortune 50 CEO's.

The Power of Sessions

Each of the 12 weekly sessions has been designed to help you get quick wins, and then master the High Performance Habits and Life Arenas. 

It's a science-based curriculum with a proven track record of success even with the world's highest performers.

Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

Apply Now - It's Your Time

Trained by Brendon Burchard

3-Time New York Times Bestselling Author and CEO of the High Performance Institute Brendon Burchard is ranked “one of the most influential leaders in personal growth” by Oprah Winfrey Network and Success Magazine, and is know as the “World’s Leading High Performance Coach” by His High Performance Coaching curriculum has a proven track record that will help you get results, fast!

Apply Now for Your Free Strategy Session

“The best people hire the best coaches. Harvey Mackay had 20 coaches. A speech coach, writing coach, humor coach,...”

- Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect

Professional athletes also have a team of coaches, because they know the power of coaching, perspective, guidance, challenge, encouragement, validation, and having someone push them beyond their current ability, so that they achieve the extraordinary.

As a Spartan athlete myself, I know that overcoming obstacles requires the right mindset, strategies, techniques and physical training to enable you to cross the finish line, achieve your goals and, most importantly, so that you enjoy the journey, learn and grow along the way!

Let Me Coach You To High Performance In All Areas of Your Life